DGI 2016 (past event)

18 - 20 January, 2016

Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom

Contact Us: 44 (0) 207 368 9836

Ron Pumphrey, Commander at Canadian Forces Intelligence Group

Ron Pumphrey

Canadian Forces Intelligence Group

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Ron.

Download The Latest Agenda

North America and Arctic Sessions- January 18, 2016

Saturday, July 1st, 2017

09:15 LEADERSHIP SESSION- How does the Canadian Armed Forces Intelligence Group use GEOINT to Support Operations and How will Future GEOINT in Canada Look in Order to Better Achieve Multi-Int Fusion?

The presentation will provide:

  • An overview of the Canadian Armed Forces Intelligence Command (CFINTCOM)
  • CF Intelligence Group (CF Int Gp) its units, roles and responsibilities
  • Review of current GEOINT activities being conducted in support of operations both domestically and deployed.
  • Capabilities of the deployed GEOINT Support Team (GIST) model
  • The lessons learned from the GIST model and possible upcoming changes to this force generation model
  • How do we best replicate this model in garrison as part of everyday intelligence analysis and production?
  • A conceptual model will be discussed that shows what the future of GEOINT in Canada may look like in order to better achieve multi-Int fusion.
  • A summary of recent Canadian work conducted with NGA that focused on the Artic will be discussed in order to demonstrate how OSINT and commercial GEOINT sources, like Radarsat2, can work together to answer an intelligence question.

11:30 PANEL DISCUSSION - What are the major GEOINT challenges that the solution providers can help the user community solve?

The GEO INT community continues to develop at a rapid pace; the number of satellites, UAS types, data types, resolution, revisit times and total volume of received information continues to grow. The addition of non-traditional data sets such as the space-based AIS service has allowed more multi source cross referencing and integration. This panel discussion will allow recognized experts to share their ideas and solutions:

  • How can we be more effective in using motion imagery to support operational forces and emergency responders?
  • How can we speed up the convergence of GEOINT and ISR?
  • How can GEOINT participate more effectively in the Activity Based Intelligence process?
  • How we can improve geolocation performance of ISR platforms?

DGI Main Day 1 – January 19, 2016 Evolution of GEOINT as a National Security Capability

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017